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Wednesday, February 15, 2023

 It's Time For Some Herring Poetry  😄

Oh Matjes Herring, a treat from the sea,

So delicate and juicy, a delight to eat.
With its mild and tangy flavor, a taste that can't be beat,
It's a foodie's delight, a gourmet's retreat.

A fish of the season, a taste of the north,
A salty and savory delight, a feast that's worth its worth.
A perfect addition, to any meal or snack,
A flavor that's forever, and always coming back.

It's the perfect partner, to a slice of bread,
With its delicate texture, a taste that's never dead.
A flavor that's enhanced, with each and every bite,
A taste that's truly divine, and worth the sight.

Oh Matjes Herring, a fish for the ages,
A flavor that endures, through all of history's pages.
A taste that's timeless, and never out of style,
A dish that's forever, and always in high trial.

So let us raise a fork, and give it our all,
To this delicious delight, that stands so tall.
For Matjes Herring, is a taste that's truly divine,
A food that's forever, and always truly fine.

** This poem was created using artificial intelligence capabilities provided via

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