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Saturday, December 2, 2017

Herring Research: Surströmming

For the uninitiated, Surstromming is Swedish for "Sour Herring" . They eat a Baltic herring that is smaller than the more popular Atlantic herring. This fish is fermented for 6 months and is canned. As you will see in the videos, it is ranked as one of the world's most foul smelling foods. Also, because its  from the Baltic sea, surströmming today is said to contain higher levels of dioxins and PCBs than permitted in much of the EU. Apparently the Swedes have no idea how to properly prepare and enjoy herring. In any event, may Sweden be blessed with an abundance of surströmming !!!!  

How to eat Surströmming:

Americans Try Surströmming (The Smelliest Food In The World):

Thanks to my work colleague Jason Wind for referring the topic and the video!