Your Source for All Things Herring...

Friday, September 15, 2017

Herring At The Waldorf ???

Yes, its true. Your herring reporter heard that there was a first-rate breakfast buffet at the Waldorf-Jerusalem and went to check out the offerings, which were rumored to include herring. Happy to report that there was a particular stand-out herring to be had which was quite unexpected. It was a smoked and thin-sliced pickled herring served up the way you typically see lox or sturgeon. It was excellent (the rest of the buffet was pretty damn good too!).

Saturday, September 9, 2017

In The Herring Workshop:  At Work Creating an Environment (Creamed Dill)

Friday, September 8, 2017




By LĂ©vana
My herring salad is a new-age take on herring.
I suspect many of you have the same problem I do with the regular herring salad offerings we are used to: We all love herring and all briny smoked salty cured foods.
But the amount of salt can be a problem.
We couldn’t dream of indulging too often, as the amount of salt is nothing short of prohibitive.
So I always dream up dishes that includes the salty item in a salad with no added salt whatsoever, making the salted item much more “elastic”.
As a result, the finished dish, like this herring salad, just regularly salty, not a drop more. In my view all items like canned tuna and sardines, lox, smoked white fish and herring have such a distinct and intense flavor that they can easily bear being “extended”.
This delicious herring salad tells the whole story!
This is a delicious spin on a classic Jewish favorite. Could the powers that be at your local schul or shtible be persuaded to to do a little more than take herring out of a jar, and make this delicious and nutritionally sound herring salad?
Don’t hesitate to make this herring salad the day before you serve it: It will only get better!
On dairy days, use plain whole-milk yogurt instead of olive oil.
In this case, adjust the seasonings with a good pinch of sugar to offset the tanginess of the yogurt



Dice the herring small. If you find some sliced onions in the jar, leave them in as well. Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Serve at room temperature, as is on good whole grain bread, on a bed of shredded lettuce.
Smoked White Fish Apple Potato Salad. 4 cups store-brought white fish salad. No brine, no olive oil. Everything else just as above.